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Дело в том что когда мы сдавали кровь на глютен и казеин в Москве , он уже был на безглютеновой диете 2 месяца и всеравно показатели были высокие.
Вот скопировала еще: 2. Failure to transform sulfur in sulfate. My high cysteine shows I cannot make this step, it transforms in the toxic cystine. Высокий цистеин показывает несостоятельность системы детоксикации трансформировать сульфиты в сульфаты (поэтому не стоит кушать бананы) Solutions Increase PST • Avoid to inhibit PST by avoiding chocolate, bananas, orange juice, vanillin, and food colorants such as tartrazine, cheese (tyramine), apple juice citrus fruit juices, and paracetamol (Tylenol™). Many coloring materials, whether of natural or synthetic origin, possess phenolic groupings. Phenol, an organic compound, has other names such as hydroxybenzene. Compounds such as flavonoids (red wine and citrus fruits), aged cheese, beers, and strong odors inhibit PST It should be noted that many multivitamin supplements, grapeseed extract, Pycnogenol™, Quercetin, and other antioxidants contain high amounts of flavonoids. One can also try a salicylate free diet such as the failsafe diet (see for example http://www.plantpoisonsandrottenstuff.info/content/failsafe.aspx). Salicylates block pst too and cause problems on its own. Make sure to watch that your beauty and bath products don’t contain salicylates (e.g. buy cleure products) especially your toothpaste (no mint etc) check http://www.reyessyndrome.org/ for products free of salicylates. More sulfate • Sulfate is the most oxidized form of sulfur. It doesn’t need to be oxidized any more, so supplementing or bathing in sulfate supplies what is lacking because of the body’s inability to oxidize the sulfur in foods. Epsom salts one may supply both the minerals and the sulfate needed to detoxify phenols and other metabolites. You can put them in your bath or make your own Epsom salt cream (for a recipe see http://www.enzymestuff.com/epsomsalts.htm) Repair GAGS/ gut healing 1. Vitamin A deficiency has been shown to produce an accelerated turnover of GAGs as well as their undersulfation. Natural Vitamin A (cis form) is important for activation of T and B cells for long-term immune memory to develop, and it is necessary for optimal Natural Killer Cell function, Cis Vitamin A can bypass blocked G-protein pathways and turn on central retinoid receptors. Buy for example Country Life Natural Vitamin A -- 10000 IU - 100 Softgels 2. iron, and the B-complex are important too 3. Glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate (stimulates synthesis of the GAGs ). Oral sulfate will be poorly absorbed; so, supplement a gram or more of sulfate each day Some will get through. Supplementing papain enhances absorption of sulfates. When glucosamine gives up its sulfate, it supplies glutamine. Chondroitin is comprised of N-acetyl-D- galactosamine and D-glucuronate. Collagen Type II™ may be even better for it supplies at least 50 other types of sulfate such as heparan, keratan, and dermatan sulfate. If the word “hydrochloride” or “N-Acetyl” appears anywhere on the label, do not buy it Remember to choose capsules instead of tablets. (I take TriMedica Chrondroitin 400 mg Glucosamine 500mg -- 60 Capsules $17.01). Enabling Transforming Sulfur to sulfate (i.e. oxidization of sulfur) 1. B-vitamins, especially vitamin B6. (I need the special form p5p, be careful not to take to much (>50mg) if you have an oxalate problem) 2. By supplementing molybdenum and histidine (to oxidize sulfur) 3. SAMe (SAM) is said to improve sulfoxidation, in fact, it is necessary to the manufacture of all sulfur-containing compounds in the body. Avoiding cysteine • no swimming in chlorinated water • Increase histidine; too low histidine likely causes a toxic build up of the amino acid cysteine, and a lack of sufficient taurine and sulfate contributing to the PST problem. I don’t take histidine because I have immune troubles and the xmrv. • Supplementing taurine, the sulfur containing amino-acid that is at the end of the metabolic chain, has been helpful in meeting this need for taurine; and, being the immediate precursor, may supply needed sulfates. • vitamin C (without flavenoids suc as rosehip!) is needed to prevent cysteine (which contributes its sulfur more readily) from converting to cystine, its oxidized form. If you have a oxalate problem, don’t take a lot vitamin c • Be sure to filter chlorine, fluoride, and other poisons from the water you drink and bath in. Do not buy a filter that uses silver as a bactericide The ShowerWise™ filter and shower head can be ordered for $69, plus two filters $129. They last about one year. An extension hose can be used to fill the tub with filtered water. • Until the body regains its ability to oxidize sulfur, it may be desirable to limit high sulfur containing foods (cruciferous vegetables, broccoli, onions, garlic, turnips, eggs, red meat, turkey, dairy products); and supplements like alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, L-cysteine, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC can be better tolerated when used with glycine and glutamine in ratio 2:1:1, and the B-complex vitamins. 500mg is usually tolerated. It should be tried for the glutathione it produces is so vital). * Often not enough bile is being made by the liver (indicated by ’pale’ stools). This can sometimes be improved by taking taurine, and glycine, and the overall condition can be improved by supplementing sulfates. This seems to be added reason to supplement L- histidine and molybdenum. Also take taurine if you have 'sandy' stools (indicates oxalate problem). All in all I think the epsom salt, good b vits, the glycine, natural vit a, taurine, molybdenium, salicylate free toothpaste and avoidance of pst inhibitors are most important, I take k2 for my oxalate problem. вот здесь читай, пост №8 http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/cfs-and-impaired-sulphur-metabolism.2930/
вот здесь есть список анализов https://forum.detiangeli.ru/index.php?topic=42622.0. А вообще по ситуации смотрите(что с животом,стулом и тд)Мы сначала сдали общ крови и биохимию, анализ на витамины ,на аминокислоты крови, антитела к глиадину. Иммуноглобулины g 4 к продуктам( выяснилась непереносимость большей части их,исключили из рациона).Общ ан кала ,дисбактериоз кала. Диастазу мочи. Хромотографию мочи .и по результатам стали дальше смотреть уже.